

My adventures in teaching began in environmental education fifteen years ago. From National Parks and Wildlife Refuges to aquariums and outdoor schools, I see again and again that hands-on, authentic learning is the optimal experience for students. Not all want to hike four miles in the rain to see newts, but the option should exist.

After completing an alternative credentialing program, I entered the classroom at the low of No Child Left Behind.  I was lucky to find placement at a Project Based Learning Charter and further honed my teaching skills around political benchmarks and the most boring academic products available. I discovered the benefits of Handwriting Without Tears, RAFT (Resource Area for Teachers Silicon Valley), Bridges Math, and integrating actual boardgames into classroom activities. Masters degree and 20 years experience in hand, I am encouraging novice and seasoned educators to teach beyond the box. Rigor can quickly become tedium and boredom when misapplied. And it is okay if your students don’t think the  way you do- it means they are actually thinking!


 When: Posts will appear when I feel inspired.

*I just started a new job and am still adjusting!

Where: Here on WordPress, with announcements on Twittter – @2xdiceplayroom.

 What: Suggestions and tips for using boardgames (or your version of components) with your students.

Who: Please submit constructive comments and requests. This is a for the user/by the user free resource for educators!

Why: Because students need authentic and engaging outlets for creative thinking in today’s classrooms!

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